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Viking Voices

Date Title Summary
05-04-2017 Notes from a transoceanic cruise Some things to share from a recently completed Miami to Barcelona cruise on Oceania’s Marina that may be helpful in planning for a transoceanic voyage.
03-26-2017 Using a Travel Agent vs Using the Internet Here's an open letter to prospective clients who are debating whether to use a live travel agent to book their vacation or to go it alone by using the Internet.
03-26-2017 The Miracle of the Traveling Cap Travel invariably creates memorable stories. Here is one from our group trip to China.
04-04-2016 Shore excursions: book through the cruise line or book with a private tour operator? The cruise lines seem to have increased the prices of shore excursions to the point that seasoned or adventurous travelers are flocking to private tour operators any way they can. Looking beyond the cruise lines for rewarding shore excursions can be a good thing, but doing it any way they can may not be a good thing for many travelers.
01-22-2016 01-22-2016 Top Five Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent - #5 Saving Time Fifth of five in the series based on the work of Gary Sain
01-21-2016 01-20-2016 Top Five Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent - #4 Safety & Security Fourth in the series based on the work of Gary Sain
01-20-2016 Top Five Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent - #3 Product Knowledge Third in the series based on the work of Gary Sain
01-14-2016 Top Five Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent - #2 Saving Money Second in the series based on the work of Gary Sain
01-13-2016 Top Five Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent - Reason #1 - Ability to provide the best options and prices Several years ago Gary Sain wrote an insightful article on the top reasons leisure travelers chose travel agents. The work was predicated on research completed by YPB&R/Yankelovich National Travel Monitor. I'll address each of these five in different installments.
11-07-2013 Tips for Avoiding Culture Shock When an individual travels to another region in the world, there are bound to be several cultural differences which can cause a traveler to experience ‘culture shock’. All travelers experience some form of culture shock but here are a few tips to make sure it is a mild case while you are away!
08-31-2013 Alaskan Dream Cruise is an Alaskan vacation dream come true. It is hard to imagine a Southeast Alaska cruise vacation that could be more fun than our 11 day cruise on the Alaskan Dream.

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Piero Soderino, the head of the powerful Florentine Republic, once told Michelangelo that David's nose was much too large. Michelangelo then hid some marble dust in his hand, climbed back up his ladder and pretended to do some more "chiseling" on the offending proboscis. While he did so, he let some marble dust fall from his hand. The pompous Soderino was fooled – he examined the unchanged nose and announced it was much improved and far more "life-like."